We quickly voted Seattle the friendliest city in all of the United States! Hospitality ran high – in our week here we had 4 dinner invites from complete strangers! Thanks to Don & Debbie Prescott, Tom & Jan Hunter (another Pan-Americaner) and the Gold Wing crowd – Phil, Scott & Lynette. In this time ‘Ride […]

The Goldrush in Reverse
A few days later and we are on dirt roads again, this time riding the ‘Top of the World’ Highway from Tok in Alaska to Dawson City in Yukon, Canada. It is dry and the going is fairly easy but there are sections running by a river creek that look like they could be well […]
The Best Coffee in the World at the Crossroads Café
I walk into the garden and see a hammock smiling at me between two trees. Come on over, sit down, put your feet up, relax… Ah! This is the life, swinging gently in the breeze in the shade of exotic fruit trees, surrounded by flowers everywhere, their sweet scent tingling the nostrils and teasing my […]
Off to Panama and the End in South America
While we were away in the Galapagos, our 2 bikes were in the hands of BMW in Quito in yet another attempt to rectify the cold/high altitude starting problem. In fact on the day they were to go to the dealer, both refused absolutely to start even when left in the sun, which had previously […]
Cuenca; Dual Sports Moto Club; Back in Ireland! Volcanoes at Baños; On To Quito
Santa Rosa was not a place to linger and we were up early and away with a quick farewell to the dour faced staff at the grotty hotel. It was a grey dawn and the first part of today’s short ride took us through mile after mile of banana plantations. We were off back into […]
San Pedro de Atacama, Back to Sea Level, Iquique and Arica
We had a fabulous time at San Pedro with days out to see Chile’s Valley of the Moon, the nearby Tatio Geysers and the pink flamingos at the Salar de Atacama on Lago Chaxa. It is a place of staggering beauty perhaps best left to the photographs to describe. The town itself is fairly small […]
Leaving Mendoza – Fuel Crisis! Valle de La Luna – Breakdown! Cordoba
What a week it’s been! New plans made at the start of the week are already broken, we have had some more fun with Di Funta Correa, we have had a successful return to riding on the Ripio in some awesome scenery (desert this time), and are now in Cordoba with one dead bike. All […]
San Carlos de Bariloche to Rio Mayo
Argentina was a country we had low expectations of before this trip. We initially viewed it as just a transit place to get through to visit the southern jewels of the Moreno Glacier, Torres del Paine & Ushuaia. And as to the people, the only Argentineans we’d ever set eyes on were on TV back […]